Effect of Chemical Fertilizer and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on Yield and Quality of Pummelo [Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merrill] cv. Hom Hat Yai


  • Chayanuch Tripan Trang Horticultural Research Centre, Horticultural Research Institute, Department of Agriculture
  • Boonchana Wongchana Chiang Rai Horticultural Research Centre, Horticultural Research Institute, Department of Agriculture
  • Suppaluck Ariyaphuchai Trang Horticultural Research Centre, Horticultural Research Institute, Department of Agriculture
  • Sumalee Srikaew Trang Horticultural Research Centre, Horticultural Research Institute, Department of Agriculture


Citrus spp., Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) for pummelo, Fertilizer management


This study aimed to investigate the effect of chemical fertilizer and arbuscular mycorrhiza on yield and quality of pummelo (Citrus maxima Burm. Merrill) cv. Hom Hat Yai leading to a reduction in costs for farmers. It was studied at Trang Horticulture Research Center between October 2015 to September 2018. The experimental design was randomized complete block (RCBD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments were fertilizer application according to GAP (1 kg/tree/year of 15-15-15 + 1 kg/tree/year of 13-13-21 and 10 kg/tree/year of manures), 10 g/tree of arbuscular mycorrhiza and fertilizer application according to GAP (1 kg/tree/year of 15-15-15 + 1 kg/tree/ year of 13-13-21 and 10 kg/tree/year of manures), 10 g/tree of arbuscular mycorrhiza and ¾ fertilizer application according to GAP (750 g/tree/year of 15-15-15 + 750 g/tree/ year of 13-13-21 and 10 kg/tree/year of manures) and 10 g/tree of arbuscular mycorrhiza and ½ fertilizer application according to GAP (500 g/tree/year of 15-15-15 + 500 g/tree/ year of 13-13-21 and 10 kg/tree/year of manures). Results showed that the yield and quality were significantly different (P<0.05). Tree with 10 g/tree of arbuscular mycorrhiza and ½ fertilizer from GAP had highest fruit weight (1.79 kg/fruit), total weight (44.75 kg/tree) and fruit pulp weight (698.66 g/fruit). However, total yield, peel thickness and total suspended solids (TSS) were not significantly different. Tree with fertilizer application according to GAP had highest of total yield (30 fruit/tree), TSS (9.80 0Brix) and lowest of peel thickness (2.67 cm). The benefit-cost analysis showed that 10 g/tree of arbuscular mycorrhiza and ½ fertilizer from GAP had lowest cost resulting in the highest cost reduction and return of 19.96 and 28.94 percentage, respectively, compared to fertilization according to GAP. Therefore, 10 g/tree of arbuscular mycorrhiza and ½ fertilizer from GAP was the most suitable for introducing to farmers.


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How to Cite

Tripan, C., Wongchana, B., Ariyaphuchai, S. ., & Srikaew, S. (2022). Effect of Chemical Fertilizer and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on Yield and Quality of Pummelo [Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merrill] cv. Hom Hat Yai. Songklanakarin Journal of Plant Science, 9(2), 66–72. Retrieved from https://www.sjplantscience.com/index.php/ojs/article/view/65



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