Effect of Substrate Media on Growth and Yield of Chinese Kale in Pot
waste material, bio-sludge, coffee bean husks, coffee groundsAbstract
Chinese Kale (Brassica alboglabra L.) is an important economic vegetable that is demanded by both domestic and international consumers increasing every year. Suitable substrate medias have light weight, nutrients suitable for growth and easy to find locally. So that, this experiment was to study the effects of substrate media on the growth and yield of potted Chinese Kale at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Songkhla Rajabhat University during October 2021 to February 2022. Completely randomized design (CRD) was designed to include five replications and used six different growing mediums for comparison: i) Formula 1 (coffee grounds: chicken manure: top soil in the volume ratio of 1:1:4), ii) Formula 2 (coffee grounds: bio-sludge: top soil in the volume ratio of 1:1:4), iii) formula 3 (coffee bean husks: chicken manure: top soil in the volume ratio of 1:1:4), iv) formula 4 (coffee bean husks: bio-sludge: top soil in the volume ratio of 1:1:4), v) formula 5 (coffee grounds: coffee bean husks: chicken manure: bio-sludge: top soil in the volume ratio of 0.5:0.5:0.5:0.5:4) and vi) commercial formula (control). The study revealed that the formula 1 mixture provided the best results, generating a mean figure of plant height (10.73 cm), number of leaves (9.33 leaves/plant), canopy width (29.50 cm), fresh weight (52.00 g/plant) showed the significant difference. Therefore, mixing coffee grounds and chicken manure with top soil can be used as a potting material to promote growth and increase yields of vegetables.
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