Effect of Rice Bran and Broken Rice on the Efficacy of Bacillus subtilis Antagonist Bacteria in Controlling Rigidoporus microporus, the Causing White Root Rot Disease on Para Rubber
Bacillus subtilis , Rigidoporus microporus, rice bran, broken riceAbstract
Rice bran and broken rice are the residues from the rice milling process, which contain the chemical composition. Using agricultural residues as a food source for microorganisms is also the benefit way to increase the value of the residues. The objective of this research was to study the effect of rice bran and broken rice on the growth of antagonistic bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Rigidoporus microporus as well as the efficacy of B. subtilis on the controlling R. microporus, which is the cause of white root disease of Para rubber. The result showed that antagonistic bacteria B. subtilis strain SM1 and LPDD3-2 in potato dextrose agar (PDA) supplemented with rice bran and with broken rice were able to grow more than 12 log CFU/ml, but the growth of R. microporus strain NK6 was decreased in PDA supplemented with rice bran. The antagonistic B. subtilis strain LPDD3-2 increased significantly (P<0.05)against mycelium growth of R. microporus on PDA supplemented with rice bran by dual culture test, especially on PDA supplemented with 3% rice bran had shown highest inhibition at 67.50 percent. Therefore, the bio-agent development of B. subtilis antagonistic bacteria for controlling R. microporus by using rice bran in culture medium of B. subtilis and as an ingredient in bio-agent is an approach that should be further studied.
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