Decreasing Innovation Hydrocyanic Acid (HCN) in Cassava on Utilization in Ruminant Feed
Cyanide, Glycoside, Linamarin, Sulfur, CassavaAbstract
Cassava, a tropical plant, is a staple crop in some countries. It is one of the economically important crops in Thailand, harvesting not only its root parts as a primary product but also other vegetative parts used as roughage for ruminants such as cows and buffaloes because of its high protein content. However, fresh cassava contains cyanide compounds (hydrocyanic acid), formed by hydrolysis of cyanogenic glycoside substances (linamarin and lotaustralin), as poisonous matters to animals and cause severe oxygen deprivation, lying down, gasping for breath, shortness of breath, tense muscles, and convulsion before death. To reduce the hydrocyanic acid amount in fresh cassava to an unharmful level for animals, there are some methods of evaporation, exposure to the sun, and heat treatments like boiling, steaming, and drying. After the proper reduction, the animal body can convert a small amount of the remaining cyanide into thiocyanate, which is non-toxic to the animal and extractable. Therefore, appropriately reducing the poisonous matter in fresh cassava is how to increase cassava consumption to a high level.
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