Yield Trial of Native Glutinous Rice Varieties in Southern Farmer Fields of Thailand
upland rice, glutinous rice, yield trial, southern ThailandAbstract
Five glutinous upland rice varieties [white rice: Num-ngern and Sew; black rice: Gam Pleuak Khao, Niaw Hawm and Niaw Dam Chaw Mai Pai 49 (control)] were tested in farmer fields of Songkhla and Satun provinces. The experiment was laid out with a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications in each province. The result showed that Niaw Hawm had the highest grain yield of 888 kg rai-1, followed by Niaw Dam Chaw Mai Pai 49 with 775 kg rai-1. These two varieties had the other good traits too and they will be recommended to farmers.
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