Development of EST-SSR Markers Involved in Waterlogging Stress in Oil Palm
EST-SSR, molecular marker, oil palm, waterlogging tolerant, genesAbstract
Because oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) grown in the southern part of Thailand frequently experiences waterlogging during the rainy season, yield loss is a concern. This research was then developed molecular markers of genes associated with waterlogging for the selection of oil palm tolerance to waterlogging stress. The Expressed Sequence Taq - Simple Sequence Repeat (EST-SSR) sequence was searched from transcriptome of different gene expression data (DEGs) of oil palm tolerance to waterlogging stress. Of 3,289 DEGs, 229 EST-SSRs were found. 214 primer pairs could be designed and 125 primer pairs could be amplified via PCR technique. All of the obtained primers when tested with oil palm variety Surat Thani 1 and Surat Thani 2 by using denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 99 and 26 primer pairs revealed monomorphic and polymorphic, respectively. The polymorphic primers were using for analysis the differences between oil palm variety with Chi-square test. Six primer pairs associated with 6 genes exposed significant difference between the two oil palm varieties (p<0.05) with the mean PIC of 0.37. Therefore, the obtained result from this study was confirmed the useful of molecular markers in the selection of oil palm to waterlogging stress.
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